JavaScript struggles - Part 6

JavaScript struggles - Part 6

Truthy & False values

When we use most of the programming languages or scripting languages we have some values that isn't a boolean value but it works as so.
We mostly call it truthy & falsy values.

Truthy Values

Personally, I like to think of truthy values as a variable that has an actual value in them.

Sort of messy? Think of it like that:

  • A value that isn't empty is a valuable value, but when it's empty it's not.

Let's see some examples

We'll use the !! keyword to turn the value into a boolean value to check is the output.


console.log(!!"Hello"); // true

let text = "Hi there";
console.log(!!text); // true


console.log(!!18); // true

let num = 88;


Any object ({}) or Array ([]) are truthy values, even if they were empty!! So be aware if you want to use an object or array for storing, you have to get the values inside of the array or object.

Falsy Values

A falsy value is the opposite of the truthy values.


console.log(!!""); // false


console.log(!!0); // false

console.log(!!NaN); // false
To know more about NaN check out the article about numbers


The null object is also a falsy value.

console.log(!!null); // false

Use Cases

There are of cause some amazing use cases of knowing this, you can stop a process if the value wasn't a number like so, as if you turned a text into a number it turns into NaN and it's a falsy value.

if (inputValue) {
  ... // Actions

Thanks for reading I hope you gain new things out of this article :smile: