JavaScript Struggles - Part 3

JavaScript Struggles - Part 3

String Auto Converting


2 min read

One of the weirdest things that JS do is converting string variable to numbers by itself.

When does it convert string to number?

We have 4 operators that can turn the string to number when the string value is numbers:

Plus (+)

In JavaScript the plus operator have two cases.

1- When you use the + with a string that only have numbers it'll be converted automatically to number.

console.log('1'+'2'); // Outputs: 3

2- When you use the + with a string that contains text, it'll not be converted to number; it'll be added to the text.

console.log("Hey"+"There"); // Outputs: HeyThere

Minus (-)

Whenever we use - in our code the string automatically get converted to number.


console.log('5' - 1); // Outputs: 4
console.log('5' - '2'); // Outputs: 3

Multiply (*)

Whenever we use * in our code the string automatically get converted to number.

console.log('5' * 3); // Outputs: 15
console.log('5' * '2'); // Outputs: 10

Divide (/)

Whenever we use / in our code the string automatically get converted to number.

console.log('6' / 2); // Outputs: 3
console.log('9' / '3'); // Outputs: 3

Thanks for reading! ๐Ÿ˜
